Comandos del servidor


Una lista exhaustiva está disponible en la parte inferior de esta página.

Nota: Puede ejecutar estos comandos desde la consola desde nuestro panel de control,

  • exec x.cfg: Ejecutar un archivo de configuración en la carpeta cfg llamado x.
  • sv_restart x: Reinicia el partido y entra en modo de calentamiento con una cuenta regresiva. Usa -1 para mantener el calentamiento infinito.
  • mp_maxplayers x: Establece x número de jugadores por equipo.
  • benchall 0: Mueve a todos los jugadores del campo al banquillo.
  • mp_botkeepers x: 1 para activar al portero con IA, 0 para porteros humanos.


rcon_password rcon_password serverpassword Used to gain access to the server's administration commands.
rcon rcon command Used to invoke rcon for usage of admin commands in the server.
quit quit Restarts the server if a problem exists in it.
mp_teamkits mp_teamkits 1 2 Sets specific team kits. The first number sets the kit for the home team and the second one sets it for the away team. You can also search for specific team kits by doing mp_teamkits teamname.
sv_restart sv_restart 1 Sets a timer to start the match. It is measured in minutes, so sv_restart 1 makes the match start in 1 minute, 0.5 in half a minute, 0 starts the match imediately and -1 sets the server to training mode.
sv_singlekeeper sv_singlekeeper 1 Activates/Disables single keeper mode in the server. 1 activates it and 0 disables it.
bench bench name Benches a player through their in-game name.
status status Displays information about the players currently in the server, including IP, SteamID and game ID.
benchid benchid 7 Benches a player determined on their GameID, obtainable through the "status" command.
benchall benchall 0 Benches every player in the server. To do it, you must type rcon benchall 0.
say say Hello Displays a message in the universal chat of the server as "Stadium announcer".
sv_alltalk sv_alltalk 1 Enables/Disables global voice chat. 1 enables it and 0 disables it.
sv_custom_assets sv_custom_assets 1 Enables/Disables the usage of custom assets in the server. 1 enables it and 0 disables it
sv_gravity sv_gravity 900 Modifies the ammount of gravity in the server. Default value is 900.
mp_shield_block_opponent_half mp_shield_block_opponent_half 0 Used to enable or disable the midfield shield. 1 enables it 0 disables it.
exec exec 8v8 Executes a .cfg file. To execute a certain type of match use rcon exec yxy, to execute official matches use rcon exec league or rcon exec cup, accordingly.
sv_matchminute sv_matchminute 45 Sets the match timer to a specific minute in the match.
sv_matchgoalshome sv_matchgoalshome 3 Sets the number of goals the home team has on the scoreboard.
sv_matchgoalsaway sv_matchgoalsaway 2 Sets the number of goals the away team has on the scoreboard.
sv_endmatch sv_endmatch Ends an ongoing match.
mp_maxplayers mp_maxplayers 8 Defines the number of players allowed on each side.
sv_starttimeout sv_starttimeout Starts a forced timeout.
sv_endtimeout sv_endtimeout Ends a forced timeout.
mp_penalties mp_penalties 1 Enables/Disables penalty shootout in a match. 1 enables it and 0 disables it.
mp_extratime mp_extratime 1 Enables/Disables extra time in a match. 1 enables it and 1 disables it.
sv_wakeupcall sv_wakeupcall Sends a message on the server alerting players to move.
sv_removeplayercardban id sv_removeplayercardban 12 Removes a player's red card ban through their GameID
sv_replay_instant_enabled sv_replay_instant_enabled 1 Enables/disables replays after a goal is scored.
sv_playerrotation sv_playerrotation 0 Enables/Disables player rotation through positions. 1 enables it and 0 disables it.
sv_propcreation sv_propcreation 1 Enables/Disables prop creation in the server. 1 enables it and 0 disables it.
sv_physicsprops sv_physicsprops 1 Enables/Disables physics for props. 1 enables it and 0 disables it.
sv_resumematch sv_resumematch Resumes the ongoing match.
sv_cheats sv_cheats 1 Allows/Disallows cheat commands. 1 enables it and 0 disables it.
sv_bots_fill_field sv_bots_fill_field 1 Fills every available position on the field with bots.
mp_humankeepers mp_humankeepers 1 Enables/Disables human GKs. 1 enables it and 0 disables it.
mp_botkeepers mp_botkeepers 0 Enables/Disables bot GKs. 1 enables it and 0 disables it.
mp_timelimit_match mp_timelimit_match 20 Defines the match time in minutes. For 4v4 the default is 10 and for 8v8 the default is 20. Maximum is 90.
mp_timelimit_part mp_timelimit_part 20 There are various instances to replace part, and they are: match, warmup, cooldown, halftime, extratime_halftime, extratime_intermission 
mp_goldengoal mp_goldengoal 1 Enables/Disables golden goal mode. 1 enables it and 0 disables it.
mp_offside mp_offside 0 Enables/Disables offsides. 1 enables it and 0 disables it.
mp_serverinfo mp_serverinfo NTA's home Sets the server info. Server info is visible upon pressing tab and looking at the top left corner. Default in IOS servers is ""IOSoccer Server - Enjoy your stay""
mp_timeoutcount mp_timeoutcount 1 Defines how many times a team can call for a timeout during a match. The default is 3 for friendlies and mix matches.
mp_timeout_duration mp_timeout_duration 3 Defines how long a timeout can take, during all it's calls. The default value is 5.
mp_botkeeperspeed mp_botkeeperspeed 90 Defines botkeepers' speed, from a range of 0 to 100. Default is 100.
mp_botkeeperdelay mp_botkeeper_delay 40 Defines botkeepers' response time in ms. Default is 0.
mp_player_model_scale id mp_player_model_scale 23 200 Defines a player's size from a range of 0-255 (being the default 155) through their GameID
mp_chat_match_captain_only mp_chat_match_captain_only 1 Enables/Disables captain exclusive chat. 1 enables it and 0 disables it.
mp_chat_intermissions_captain_only mp_chat_intermissions_captain_only Enables/Disables captain exclusive chat during intermissions. 1 enables it and 0 disables it.
mp_maxprops mp_maxprops 20 Defines how many props can be spawned by a single player.
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